Years One to Three
According to Erikson, age one to three is the period of Autonomy versus Shame/Doubt. Children have opportunities for autonomous behavior - given their newly developing skills - yet can experience shame and doubt if unsuccessful or unsupported in their learning.
Physical/Motor Skills:
- Brain development is about 75%
- More advance gross motor skills are emerging - running, throwing, jumping, kicking, hopping, etc.
- Fine motor skills are developing - building with blocks, scribbling, ability to manipulate buttons
- Toddlers are beginning to construct and use sentences of a few words
- Toddlers comprehend and are more able to express emotions verbally with feeling words
- An awareness of action develops - thinking before acting; recognition of cause and effect
- There is a need for reward, attention, and praise
- Parents/caregivers remain the central significant relationship
- Parallel play with peers
- Development of empathy, shame, embarrassment, and pride
- Aggression appears
- More of an awareness of the self - self consciousness
- Sense of self developing based on what toddler hears about him/herself (e.g., bad; funny)
Next time -- Years Three to Six: Initiative versus Guilt
Source: Growth and Developmental Tasks (author unknown)